Cycles for stock market are best seen on SPX. I believe the usual 9-week cycle already bottomed, which is denoted with the blue arrow. We should now be on day 14 of a shorter cycle that usually takes about 18 days to bottom. Both indicators that I use, stochastics for momentum and MFI for money flow, show a divergence from price. Distribution days have finally started to show up. Furthermore, in the last few days I saw some strange brief selloffs in highly liquid stocks. And, most importantly, I haven't had a strong breakout in my stocks in the past week. To sum up, I believe a deeper correction now really is coming. I think Thursday's breakout was fake to attract public into buying.

Another bearish signal comes from Nasdaq. This index has become a laggard again. When Dow and SPX outperform Nasdaq, this is a bad sign for momentum traders and general market as well. I expect Nasdaq to correct the most.

So, if money is flowing out of stocks, where can it go? There is only one logical place, which of course is gold. I firmly believe that Thursday marked a bottom of an intermediate cycle that usually takes about 25 days to complete. With 33 days it was a bit extended, but this is normal and actually positive, because it suggests a longer buying period. Besides, dollar tried to rally a little bit, which stopped gold for a few days. But all my signals suggest gold should rally from here. Momentum has not accelerated to the downside, money flow stayed strongly above 20 line and volume nicely subsided. I think gold is ready to launch higher, so I'm giving a buy signal on it.

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